Information Day 2023

Information Day 2023 was held on 14 October at HKUST, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering was, of course, an integral part of the day’s program. Offering a glimpse into how the civil engineering industry will help shape a smarter, more sustainable world, our Department’s activities attracted a large audience of prospective students and friends alike. For those prospective students, they were eager to find out more about the educational opportunities and potential career paths offered not only by our Department but by our industry in general. For those friends — industry professionals and other enthusiasts — of civil and environmental engineering who wished to find out more about the latest on sustainable development as well as our commitment to research and innovation, they were treated to a delightfully informative and fun-filled day.

First, through an immersive workshop, Dr. Richard Chan, Head of Research and Development at the Hong Kong Branch of the Chinese National Engineering Research Center (CNERC) for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution, introduced to a keen audience the science and technology behind wastewater treatment water purification. The participants at the workshop had the opportunity to (literally) get their hands on some water treatment equipment and to explore various treatment methods, such as coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. The workshop also offered practical insights into the challenges and solutions associated with wastewater treatment, demonstrating not only the importance of having access to clean water but also the role that civil engineers play in helping to ensure the quality of our water resources.

In an extraordinary workshop that contemplated not only where the civil engineering industry is headed but also the future of humankind, the Department’s Prof. Jishen Qiu invited participants on an interesting journey to Mars, exploring how 3D-printing can be used to fabricate gel-based construction materials that suit the unique, uncharted environment there. This was an absolute eye-opener for the participants, as, through designing structures with the gel-based materials and testing their strength, they were offered a chance to learn about the innovative aspects as well as challenges associated with extraterrestrial construction. Moreover, they were shown how advanced technologies can help us venture beyond conventional, traditional boundaries.

In another fascinating, interactive workshop, participants explored the art and science of concrete casting. They learned about the material’s fundamental properties, such as workability, strength, and durability, as well as the importance of proper mix ratios and how different additives will influence concrete performance. The participants had an opportunity to have fun with not only making up their own concrete recipes but also pouring and casting them, and, through gaining insight on the practical challenges and considerations involved in working with concrete, they developed an appreciation for the material’s versatility and how engineers can utilize it more effectively.

The Department also organized guided tours to our state-of-the-art undergraduate teaching laboratories, where our geotechnical, structural and water engineers did various demonstrations featuring advanced research equipment and techniques in soil mechanics, structural and materials engineering, fluid dynamics as well as water quality analysis to showcase our facilities. The lab tours provided an overview on how we bridge theory taught in the classroom with practical applications, proving our Department’s commitment to using practical training and cutting-edge research to offer the best education to our students.

All in all, our Department successfully highlighted civil and environmental engineering to a large audience on Information Day 2023. We are especially delighted that our very well-received workshops and lab demonstrations have brought us closer to the community outside our campus, giving people a taste of the day-to-day innovative activities and great learning and teaching that take place here at UST, and, more importantly, illustrating to them why our state-of-the-art research and experiential learning will continue to be a vital part of our endeavor to shape a better future.

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